A mighty change of heart. What does it mean to have a mighty change of heart? Mighty means powerful or strong and change means to transform or convert. Heart has a few meanings. There is the biological meaning of heart, the organ that pumps blood throughout our bodies, but there are other meanings of heart. In English it can also mean the center of personality, especially in reference to intuition, feeling or emotion. In Romanian the word for heart is "inima" which can also mean soul. In some languages, like Turkish, there are many words for heart and they all have different meanings ranging from the biological organ to romance. So what is a mighty change of heart? I don't think when the we hear that someone had a mighty change of heart that it means someone experienced a powerful transformation of the organ that pumps their blood. Instead, I think a mighty change of heart means a powerful conversion or transformation of our feelings, intuitions, or soul.
Obviously when someone experiences a mighty change of heart there is a lot that goes on internally, but is there anything that occurs externally? We learn in Mosiah 27:25-56 to, "Marvel not that all mankind, yea, men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters; And thus they become new creatures; and unless they do this, they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God." We see here that we must be changed from our carnal state and become new creatures. This will happen after a mighty change of heart. As we become new creatures, similar to those people in Alma 13:12, we will no longer be able to look upon sin. We will come to abhor it at will not be able to stay in it's presence. We also learn that in experiencing a mighty change of heart we, as the people in Alma 23:7, will no longer rebel against the Lord. Instead we will be always obedient to His council and will love His law. Finally, when we have experienced a change of heart we will be desirous to share the gospel. In Mosiah 18:1 we learn that Alma, after repenting, began to teach the words of Abinadi and in Mosiah 27:32-33 we see that Alma is further teaching his brothers and sisters concerning the gospel. So as we experience a change of heart we will begin to see changes in ourselves; gradually we will begin to abhor sins of all manner, we will love the law of the Lord and cease to transgress and we will have a great desire to share what we know with all those around us.
As many of you are aware, I am a convert to the church. I feel that during my conversion process I began to experience a mighty change of heart that is still occurring. Although I was never a "bad kid," I definitely had to change things about myself in order to feel worthy to join the church. I grew up watching R rated movies and had really enjoyed a lot of them so when the missionaries told me that I needed to stop that practice I struggled with it. However, over time my heart has gradually been changed and I no longer have the desire to watch these films. Not only do I not actively seek to view R rated material, but if I find myself in someone's home who is watching an R rated movie I quietly excuse myself because I now find it almost repulsive to view these movies. This is just one example of the changes I made to join the church, but now that I am a member I still find myself constantly finding ways to better myself; I am striving to live all of the laws the Lord has set up for us. I cannot say that I have had a mighty change of heart, but only that I have begun the process. It is a long process but it is one with great rewards. As I have enjoyed the rewards of gradually changing my heart my desire that my family might enjoy the same rewards has greatly increased. I have been more open about my beliefs and practices in hopes that I might help my parents to understand the change I am experiencing and facilitate a similar change in them.
There are times when I feel there is no hope for change within my family. However, when I look to the scriptures I find strength. In Alma 5:11-13 we are taught that as Alma preached to the people, they experienced a mighty change of heart. Because of Alma's faith and teaching those around him were able to experience change in their hearts. Also, in Mosiah 5:1-2 we learn that as Mosiah preached to the people they experienced a mighty change of heart. Through these scriptures I have found patience. I have realized that the hearts of my parents are in the Lord's hands and that all I can do is the best that I can. I am given hope that if I continue to teach my parents about my beliefs and practices and continue to pray for them in faith that they might someday accept the gospel and experience the mighty change of heart that has brought me such great joy. I know that the Lord knows me and the desires of my heart. We are so blessed to be members of this church and to know that our Father is a loving father who will never desert us. I am so grateful for this blessing in my life and pray that I might be an instrument in my Lord's hands. This I leave with you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My mom and I:
Works Cited:
The Book of Mormon. Salt Lake: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1981.
Joy, thanks for posting early! I enjoyed reading your blog--thanks for sharing your convert experience. Maybe try talking about the scriptures in more detail instead of referring just to "The people in [a particular scripture] . . ."
It's true we all have to experience a change of heart and I think that is something that once we've been in the church for a while we forget. It is important to remember that we don't have to be sinning to experience a change of heart. It can hit us at any moment.
Joy! You are such a good example! Thank you so much for sharing your testimony and the struggles that you have gone through as a newer member of the Church. Keep working with your family; you are a great example to them.
Joy, thank you for your testimony! I like that you finished your blog by discussing patience in the conversions of those you love. That's a challenging thing because you want so much for your family to enjoy the blessings you have. Thank you for encouraging me to continue to have patience with my loved ones.
you have such a great spirit joy. Thank you for always sharing your testimony with me. :) is that woman in the picture with you your mom? She looks like a nice lady and you look super cute in it to. You are beautiful. INside and out. I am so happy you are having a change of heart. with love
Thank you so much for sharing your personal experience. I really liked what you said about after having not watched R-rated movies, the idea of even watching them was repulsive to you. I heartily agree - once you have set a righteous standard, the things you once enjoyed but now no longer tolerate become disgusting to you. Thanks again, and may all of our hearts (convert or not!) be changed for the better.
I can identify with your feelings as a new convert. I am also repulsed by worldliness, and I look forward to a time films and other media will be clean and intelligent.
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