"Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ." (2 Nep. 32:1). I believe that angels are all around us. When certain impressions come to us, knowing in our heart and mind they are true, angels may be by our sides whispering these inspired thoughts to us. "And as they looked to behold they cast their eyes towards heaven, and they saw the heavens open, and they saw angels descending out of heaven as it were in the midst of fire; and they came down and encircled those little ones about, and they were encircled about with fire; and the angels did minister unto them."(3 Nep. 17:21). What marvelous things must have been taught by the angels as Christ was there with the Nephites; the words the angels spoke were even forbidden to be written!
Alma the Younger also had an angelic experience, though it may not have been as pleasant. This angel came because of the “prayers of his people, and also the prayers of his (the Lord’s) servant, Alma. The angel spoke with “the voice of thunder” as the Earth shook. (Mosiah 27)
Excerpt from "Pilgrim Song"
Perhaps you think me wild or simple as a child; I am a child of glory.
I am born from above, my soul is filled with love; I love to tell the story.
My soul now sits and sings and practices it's wings and contemplates the hour
when the messenger shall say
"Come quit this house of clay and with bright angels tower."
My soul doth long to go where I may fully know the glory of my Savior.
And as I pass along I'll sing the Christian song; I'm going to live forever.
I love this song because it explains a little bit of how angels glorify God. Singing praises to God seems to be the overall theme when it comes to holy angelic beings.
We know that there are other types of angels that try to accomplish the opposite of God's angels. These are the devils angels, the sons of perdition, who also roam the Earth. They tempt God's children all day, everyday if and when they get the chance. The devils angels can appear to us, as Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith, but there are definite ways of telling if this is true revelation. The scriptures tell us that we will know in our mind and our hearts if the things taught are true. (D+C 8:2)
Angels, both good and evil, are on the Earth because all things must have opposition. Though I have not experienced angelic appearances, I know they are near and around us because of the Holy Ghost's impression felt through them. When we feel things in our minds and hearts to be true, that is one of God's angels helping us to understand questions we may have.
Works Cited
The Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1981.
The Scriptures: CD-ROM Edition 1.1. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2005.
The Holy Bible: King James Version
Murphy, Ryan. Pilgrim Song.
Great photos! Careful of using very long quotes in short essays.
I thought you picked a very interesting topic. Usually people don't think about the other angels that cause us to feel burdend in our lives.
Ya, nice new look on the topic. watch out for too many references and not enough you. But I liked it alot :) nice work.
I really liked your view point. Different and very insightful. I think your reasoning is great: there must be opposition in all things.
great job.
I enjoyed the pilgrim song. Good use of outside sources.
Jacob I loved your blog! This is one subject that I absolutely love. I like the view you took on the topic of Angels, bringing up both good and evil. I also liked the Pilgrim Song. Thanks for sharing your testimony!
Your blog was really interesting. I especially liked the idea of things that the angels told them that were so incredible they were not to write them down. Good job!
It was interesting to think about both good and evil angels. Good blog. By the way, I used that same picture in one of my blogs :D It's beautiful.
This was definitely an interesting point-of-view to write about. It's important to remember to pay attention to what the Spirit is telling us when we feel we're gaining revelation. :)
I have to admit- your title REALLY caught my eye. Good job with that.
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