Scientists have spent many years on trying to make the human race stronger. There is an idea programmed into your minds that we must be strong in order to survive. This is the idea of the “survival of the fittest.” The only question is, how do we receive strength. Alma prayed to the Lord and said, “O Lord, give us strength according to our faith which is in Christ, even unto deliverance” (1). Alma and Amulek, were in a tough situation where they were being held as prisoners. They needed the strength to break free. We don’t need to keep searching the fields of science for how to receive strength. The Lord grants us strength based on our faith, when we ask and require it. Alma and Amulek were able to break free “for the Lord had granted unto them power, according to their faith which was in Christ” (2). The answer is as simple as that.
Everyone needs strength in his or her lives for various things. This strength can be emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual. My sister suffers with depression and has the struggle of having no control over her emotions. She was on medications, but they did little to help her be happy, but rather, made her lose focus in life and become more miserable. I have watched her grow stronger every day as she preys for help to Heavenly Father. I am convinced that it is because of her prayers that she was able to get off of the medication and onto weaker natural herbs but find happiness, even when she has less help from human knowledge. She is one of the strongest people I know and I know that she is strong because of her faith. “Surely, shall one say, in the Lord have I righteousness and strength: even to him shall men come; and all that are incensed against him shall be ashamed” (3). I know that like Isaiah says, my sister can overcome the horrors of the world, and if she can when her mind tells her that the world is against her, then anyone can.
We may also need physical and spiritual strength to fight back against the adversary and his fiery darts. “And in the strength of the Lord they did contend against their enemies… until they had driven them out of all the lands of their inheritance” (4). We also need to find our strength in the Lord and drive the daemons of our lives out of our lands and away from our salvation. We cannot let our personal weaknesses win.
We do also need to remember, that we have been blessed with strength already, but we do not need to mock those who have less of that blessing, or attempt to overuse ours. “And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength” (5). We must remember not to push ourselves too far, but to do all that we can, nothing more and nothing less. However, the Lord will grant us the strength we need to do what has to be done, and we have been promised in the word of wisdom that we shall walk and not faint.
It is my testimony that everyone can find the strength they need in the Lord. Life is hard, and we all need someone to hold us up every now and then. Even if life is a struggle, we can look forward to the eternal rest and happiness that awaits us if we work hard and give all the strength we have to do what is right.
1. Alma 14:26
2. Alma 14:28
3. Isaiah 45:24
4. Words of Mormon 1:14
5. Mosiah 4:27
6. Image by Madison Holler
I like that your picture portrays the blog I especially like yours thank you for sharing.
Lindsey, thank you for your blog! What a perfect time to read this, right at the end of finals :) Thank you for encouraging me. I know too that the Lord will give us strength in our trials.
Many people I know think of religion as a crutch, so I like how you said that having faith IS strength. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your sister's experience.
I enjoyed reading your blog, it opened my mind to a few new concepts. When I think of being strong (mentally) I normally think that means I need to do the thing on my own, without the aid of others, using the gifts God has enabled each of us with. I hadn't thought that we should rely on the lord to give us that strength before hand though.
No matter who you are you do always need a little extra help or strength. Thank you for sharing.
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